Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buddhist Swastika Bracelet Question About The Swastika Symbol?

Question about the Swastika symbol? - buddhist swastika bracelet

I went to Vietnam a few years ago and saw the swastika painted on a large number of Buddhist temples. They were even in the statues of saints, gods / spirits. What is the reason? I do not know much about the swastika symbol to know, except in history class, learning about the Nazis. Please teach me! Thank you.


Investor said...

You need to have wathc film The Da Vinci Code. We talked about the same comparison. The eyes see, what they are trained to do. The Buddhist symbol is not with the Nazis.

Cy B said...

The swastika is one of the oldest symbols of the known world. You can find the swastika in many ancient temples of Asia, ancient ruins of pagan Europe or even the Indians used the symbol.

Hitler approved outside the cultural belief. It is believed that 6 of the German "racial core (basic career takes)" has its origin around what is now present-day Tibet, Iran. From there began a great migration westward and settled in Europe, what is now modern.

For him it was a symbol of the origin and ancient heritage.

hell-p-f... said...

A short excerpt from Wikipedia ...

"... Have been the reason seems to be first used in Neolithic India. The symbol has an ancient history of Europe, which was on artifacts from pre-Christian cultures in Europe. In antiquity, the swastika used extensively supported by the Indo - Aryans Persians, Hittites, Celts, Greeks, among others. In particular, the swastika is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Mithraism, religions with a total of over one billion adherents worldwide, so that the swastika across both historical and contemporary society. The symbol was introduced in Southeast Asia by Hindu kings and remains an integral part of Balinese Hinduism to this day, and it is in Indonesia on the agenda. It is used by some Native American cultures ... "

As the Nazis confiscated the symbol is, for many Western countries, despite its innocuous beginnings. Take a look at the top right corner on the next page to be the difference between the swastika in the design of the stylized "Nazi" and see the Hindu version,the announcement of a more angular style to each other ...

Cabal said...

The swastika was originally an Asian symbol of good luck and other things, the gods of the sun, etc. .. Crazy dream of Hitler, both as a symbol of the early Aryans (the first white immigrants from India residing in Europe) and as a religious symbol from ancient Scandinavian pagan religion, which he admired, and used it to his advantage. But before this sad time in Europe was also used as a symbol of good luck or design. Sweden, not even used for its air force (blue, not black).

After the war, the swastika was a symbol of the Nazis in Europe and the U.S., but Asia is still in use in its original meaning. It is a big shock for a European or an American to walk in a street in Asia, and to see a swastika on a wall color.

rohak121... said...

For thousands of years, the swastika was a symbol of happiness and prosperity severler in the cultures. In fact, that's why I was taken over by the Nazis to their happiness Third Reich. But it was a symbol in Western culture are used, so far it has suffered for us. Many people can not understand that the swastika was not developed by the Nazis, but simply that it is used outside their original context.

Tyler said...

The swastika was not "invented" by Hitler and the Nazis. is a symbol that is in the world, as recognized by many different cultures use different things;

discovered the swastika in the art of the indigenous tribes of North America, Asia (as shown) and in Northern Europe. Hitler, the swastika symbol in the Viking. That means something quite different from "Nazi", which is what people think it means today.

Many of the symbols of the Nazis, took the old Germanic tribes and the Vikings. For example, I heard from various historians that the symbol "I have my avatar has been used by the Nazis. I do not know why, know only that he is a former Viking (Rune) means a symbol "to" (example - hot cold front)

Noor A said...

There's even a Red Swastik like the Red Cross or Crecent. My friends are Hindu members. The same is not charity and feed poor PPL. It is really an important thing in Hinduism. They put the swastika on all their houses and things, and when I saw (in a Bollywood film) in the wall of someone who made me afraid. Then I realized it is a religious thing. I think the Americans and the Europeans associate with Hitler because they had an influence, and the images usually associated with events.

Meilien said...

This is the swastika, is following in the footsteps of the Buddha. A traditional Asian symbol that the Nazis through the centuries. You will find in many Asian countries with Buddhist traditions, such as China, Japan and Vietnam.

tayrawr™ said...

and the swastika was originally a symbol of peace, and Hitler used it for their own purposes, trying to "peace" with his ideas of the perfect race. but still a sign of peace for the people of this origin.

Abijail'... said...

The image was obviously in India's first Neolithic, are used where Hinduism and Buddhism. The symbol is used in many religions and cultures. In Buddhism, as representative of the Dharma, universal harmony.

canfield... said...

Although many Native American peoples were the symbol of the swastika. It can mean anything from an outbreak of foot stylized sun (travel) of the Buddha. Hitler took a goat to distort the meaning (s).

Tap said...

You can find not only in the Buddhist temples, but can also be found in Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe espically. Hitler took command after him in a church.

Anna P said...

The "real" swastika is more than a thousand years, and is in all of Asia, found mainly Buddhism and Hinduism. Hitler hijacked and ruined for everyone. It used to mean "life".

The Great NATURE BOY WOOOOOOOOOO said... ...
idk sorry

rupee100 said...

Swastika is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism. An altar is an altar, without drawing a swastika.

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